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Writer's pictureTiffany

On Repeat: TAKE - Mino

In January, around the time Bobby dropped Lucky Man, I decided to really dig into another YG Entertainment rapper that I had been putting off, Mino. Mino is apart of the four piece group Winner (whom I've dug into recently) where he delivers some smooth raps. While, he definitely delivers and shines perfectly within that unit, his solo music really gives a chance to explore the inner workings of his creativity and artistry. I found that out pretty quickly just how much he shows off when I heard Take for the first time. This album came out in November of last year and I had been putting off listening to it because I had been busy with other comebacks. But upon hearing it, I wondered why I put off listening to this beautiful piece of art.

Take is an intense, chill, beautiful rap album that spans 12 tracks that were all produced by Mino where he truly shines and shows his craft. It really shows all sides of Mino. Not only does he showcase his great rap skills (songs like Ok Man, Love and a Boy, and, title track, Run Away), he also showcases these honey-like vocals (Sunrise, Lost in a Crowd, and Run Away as well). Where Mino shows his many talents in rapping and singing, he also showcases his ability to really fit in any song and mood.

The album opens with Love and a Boy an intense track that perfectly opens with this guitar and drum track where he showcases his rap skills and these screaming vocals. This song seems to be about him being frustrated at himself and you can almost feel the pain he exudes as he yells over these intense instrumentals. Then this fades into the title track, Run Away, that almost has the same energy but it's more laid back. This song is a perfect title because it's truly where he shines. This has to be one of my favorite songs ever. It's beautiful, emotional, and raw. Like the opener, he really showcases his emotions and really tells a story within this song as he raps and sings.

Ok Man (which features Bobby) switches up the tone a bit to deliver a hip-hop heavy track. Mino and Bobby are something to behold when they are together. It's like this rap beast unleashes. This song is full of swag and charisma that is certainly something to behold when they are together. This song is a bit messy but not in a bad way. It's just something you come to expect when you get two intense energies in a room together. It's a song perfect for them. It's catchy and fun and dance-able. It's a song that might feel out of place at first listen but I definitely came to realize that it's just about showcasing one of his sides.

The album slows again for some sexy songs, Wa (featuring rapper, Zion.T), I want to (featuring vocalist, meenoi), and Daylight. These features certainly aren't in vain. When I see an album that has a lot of features I tend to roll my eyes but Zion.T and meenoi really add another dimension to Mino's music. meenoi, especially, on I want to really adds another level to this song. It's a duet between the two and her delicate voice matches perfectly with Mino's. The instrumental also never fails to give me goosebumps for some reason. Daylight really closes out this trio with a sweet love song. The chill hip-hop beat under this track adds another depth to his vocals. It's a sweet groove.

DPR LIVE picks this album back up again with Mino in the song Hop in. It's more laid back than Ok Man but it's still a funky groove. It perfectly divides the album up to keep you interested. The beat is chill but it gets you bopping your head along. And once again, DPR LIVE's section doesn't feel forced it feels like a natural extension to Mino's own raps. This song fades into Pow! that keeps the energy up a little. The chorus carries the same energy as Hop In. But the outro in this song is really where this energy is at. He builds to this intense moment that fades out as quickly as it came in but it's so perfect and I just love it so much.

The biggest stand out in the tracklist (not including Run Away), for me, though is Click/Han River View. This song, which is about yearning in the modern age, starts out as a more vocal-leaning track. This is the Click section. The chorus, which features hip-hop horns and wavering synths really fits well with his sweet vocals. You're being led into this intense build-up that instantly switches to the Han River View section. Here he softly raps about giving up over this beautiful guitar track. It's a one-sided love story in 4 minutes and I just love how it really forces the listener to listen to it more than once to understand what's happening. When I first heard it, I restarted the track to make sure my phone didn't skip to a different song. It's the moment on this record.

The album closes out softly with the tracks, Book store (featuring rapper, BewhY) which transitions nicely from Click/Han River View, to give us some more chill hip-hop. Then there's the acoustic tracks, Sunrise and Lost in a crowd. This is where Mino's vocals shine the most. Sunrise is an all vocal track and he sings so beautifully over this soft instrumental with guitars and synths. Lost in a crowd fits perfectly as a conclusion with this soft guitar track where he delivers vocally one last time.

Take almost feels like a diary to me. Mino showcases all moods from sadness and yearning to uplifting and badass all in one album. It's an album for any mood or feeling which is why it's become somewhat of a comfort album for me. As I go through a big life transition, I find myself turning on this album more and more because I can fall into the calmness and beauty, and sometimes badassery, this album has to deliver. Mino really invites you take solace in the calm instrumentals and tenderness of his voice. This album is truly one of the best I've heard and I urge you to explore what this album has in store.

Watch the video for the title track, Run Away, below and check out Take on your preferred streaming service!


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